FKLook - cerca keyword e copia i file

ecco il mio nuovo nato FKLook trattasi di uno script bash per Linux, che vi permette di cercare le keyword in una directory piena zeppa di file e copiare tutti quelli che la contengono in una directory di vostra scelta, in modo tale da avere un repository di file selezionati in base alla keyword.

# /bin/bash/
# File Keywords searching tool by Nanni bassetti -
echo "#########################################"
echo "FKLOOK - by Nanni Bassetti -"
echo "by this script you can search for a keyword in many files"
echo "and it copies only the files those match with the keyword, in a separated directory you chose"
echo "########################################"
echo " "

echo "Write the output directory where you to save the files (eg. /media/myfiles):"
read outdi
data=$(date | sed 's/ //g' | sed 's/://g' | sed 's/[[:alpha:]]//g')
mkdir $outdi$data
echo "This is the directory for your repository: ".$outdir
echo "Write directory contains the files where you want to looking for the keyword:"
read indir
echo "Write the keyword search:"
read key
grep -aR -i $key $indir/*.* > $outdir/filelist.txt
fn="$(cat $outdir/filelist.txt | awk -F ":" '{print $1}'|sed 's/*//')"
cp $indir/$fn $outdir 2>/dev/null
cd $outdir
ls -l
